Prayers Please: A positive test for Down’s Syndrome and eugenic abortion

Eugenics by abortion: “…frightening how many of those beautiful children have been snuffed out because God’s gift didn’t seem good enough for man’s world.”

Mother of Divine Mercy, Pray for us.

We received this e-mail from a dear friend and sister within the Sacred Body of Christ:

From Amy–

okay, prayers are needed. got back the first trimester genetic screening and the baby tested positive for down’s syndrome. it’s only 2 percent, but it’s still within the levels, given my age/ultrasound/blood tests that is considered positive for a significant risk of down’s. next step is a second trimester round of blood/ultrasound and then another risk assessment. after that the only sure way to know is an amnio or just wait until the baby is born. sooo, initially when i got the phone call (at school on a 7 minute break b/t classes…my job stinks sometimes) i was sad and cried. it’s just not a set of challenges i expected and another baby is already going to be a challenge without more to it. : ) of course, it doesn’t change anything, but i was all stressed. soooo, i went online [HERE] to read about down’s syndrome and found a statistic that of the parents who are given a positive assessment like mine, a steady 92% decided to terminate the pregnancy. oh my gosh! i knew some people did, but i never dreamed it was that high. so, i figure, the Lord sends us challenges we don’t expect and in this case maybe he is sending us a baby with Down’s but it’s because He knows our Baby would NEVER be in that 92%. it makes me tear up just to imagine it. george will (conservative columnist who i believe has a child with down’s) called it “eugenics by abortion” frightening how many of those beautiful children have been snuffed out b/c God’s gift didn’t seem good enough for man’s world. anyway, prayers please for that. i test again in late sept./early oct. will let you know.

Please join our family in prayers of the holy Rosary for Amy and every child threatened by eugenic abortion in these sad times…

james mary evans

4 thoughts on “Prayers Please: A positive test for Down’s Syndrome and eugenic abortion”

  1. I will be praying for you. Just keep your faith strong and trust with all of your heart in the Lord. The Lord will see you through this. Be Blessed and I hope all goes well with the baby.

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