Tag Archives: ClimateGate

Watch The Video: This growing health threat could have serious consequences…

“The trend tracks Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change projections…”

The Los Angeles Times Health section is reporting that allergic disease has been on the rise for the past 30 years, and that a new study finds an association between climate warming (A.K.A. global warming) and the length of the ragweed season in some parts of North America… If you think allergies is just another passing inconvenience of life, think again. If this malady is allowed to grow it could have very serious unforeseen consequences…



Catholic Climategate: Truth Vs. Falsehood


“We have, of course, the patron of the environment. I asked the children at school here, recently, I was talking the environment, and I asked, I checked the school, and asked, does anyone know who the patron saint of the environment is? A little girl put up her hand, a 12 year-old, she said, St. Al Gore…”    

Irish Archbishop Dermot Clifford   


  “Fear makes men believe the worst.”    

Quintus Curtius Rufus (fl. 100 AD, Roman Historian)   

  On 10 November 2009 Irish Bishops launched a pastoral reflection on climate change entitled ‘The Cry of the Earth’ [HERE]. The pastoral from the Irish Catholic Bishops Council calls for ‘ecological conversion’ of everyone and among other recommendations aimed at educating Catholics and inspiring local eco-action, prods their conversion through spiritual formation–inviting pastors to include the theme of care for God’s creation in homilies, prayers of the faithful, and even, examinations of conscience.  

At the launch of “Cry of the Earth” Archbishop Dermot Clifford was joined by other contributors to the pastoral including Professor John Sweeney. Prof Sweeney is a geographer attached to the Irish Climate Analysis and Research Units in the department of geography at NUI, Maynooth. He was a contributing author and review editor of the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). With several hundred other climatologists, he shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore. Speaking during the launch, Professor Sweeney’s comments included the following statement:   

“Belief in global climate change is not a matter of faith. The evidence that the planet is undergoing rapid climate change is factual and beyond scientific dispute. In terms of causation, for almost all the world’s atmospheric scientists, the debate about the human contribution to climate change is now over.”   

Well, maybe not…   

10 days later, On November 20th, news flashed across the internet [Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’? ] reporting that hacked and/or leaked e-mails revealed concrete evidence that publicly funded climate scientists responsible for collecting, assessing, confirming, and informing the international community concerning real or perceived threats of Global Warming had, quote, “perverted their science in the service of social and political causes.”    

Early on into what is now being called the greatest scandal ever within the scientific community, one columnist reading from the e-mails went on to charge the prominent scientists with, quote: “Conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims, and, perhaps, most troubling of all, communication between one another on how best to squeeze dissenting scientists out of the peer review process.”   

Catholic Green Schools    

Also present with Archbishop Clifford and Prof Sweeny at the Launch of “Cry of the Earth” was environmentalist  Fr. Sean McDonagh SSC, Author of  ‘A Green Cristology’ and many other eco-works, including the paper “Climate Change, The Response of Catholics”, which I read.  

In it, Fr. McDonaugh concludes that global warming will have, in the main, a negative impact on human kind and most other forms of life in the biosphere. He goes on to ask: 

 “So what steps should the Catholic Church take globally to deal with this reality that is poised to bring pain, suffering and death to millions of humans and other creatures?” 

  His response was, “The Churches should be in the forefront in tackling global warming at the moral level.”  

 “Scary stuff”, I thought to myself as I read along. And how much more so for Irish Catholic school children whose futures according to the “Cry of the Earth” pastoral, which Prof Sweeney helped author, consists in this terrifying scenario:  

  • Increasing heat waves, floods, storms, fire and droughts, causing death and displacement for hundreds of millions of people. Between 200 and 600 million people will experience extreme hunger.
  • By 2080 between 1.1 and 3.2 billion people will face water shortages.
  • Flood waters could make life difficult for between 2 and 7 million people in New York and Tokyo alone. The effect would be greater in cities such as Shanghai, Lagos, Rio de Janeiro or Manila.
  • A rise of 1 to 2 degrees Celsius could see the extinction of one third of the species of the world.
  • Glaciers retreating in the Himalayas will affect billions of people in Asia. This would create tens of millions of environmental refugees, who would be forced to leave their place because it is no longer habitable.

This last, glacier retreat in the Himalayas affecting billions, has come under recent attacks by sceptics because of speculative evidence offered up as truth and obstinately defended without apology by Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. And just today, [HERE] Pachauri finds himself under increased pressure to resign after the head of Greenpeace called for him to step down. Indeed, a quick Google of Rejendra Pauchauri finds [HERE] the real possibility of personal financial conflict of interest with the position he holds as Chairman of the IPCC. 

All this will be flushed out in the end, of course, and is not the pure focus of this post. But, the situation in Ireland does cause wonderment here in America… 

If a non-Catholic member of the now highly suspect IPCC such as Prof Sweeney is invited to help author a Catholic pastoral in which compromised climate data was used as evidence to fortify doomsday scenarios, and thus scare Catholic populations into action, including our children, we must ask what many other international organizations and authorities are attempting to discover about the IPCC today, namely: 

Was this intentional manipulation? And if so, for what purpose(s)? 

There’s also this question that comes to mind — Who is educating Catholic bishops and school educators in America on the truth or falsehood of climate change science? 

After all, this is not just a simple push or reminder to use common sense as good stewards of the earth, but instead, as happens in Ireland, is an all-out effort directed toward the complete re-orientation of Catholic school systems in re-educating our children… As the following video from the Archdiocese of Chicago seems to reveal, ‘the greening of our children in defense of the climate and salvation of the planet appears to supercede the greater commission of defending the faith from error and saving souls for Christ…   

Let me know what you think on the subject…

Next Post: “Whose educating who in the greening of our schools?”

ED. NOTE: I’m not a scientist. If there are errors here I’ll gladly give way to truth if I’m in error…. But, will the IPCC?


Climategate: the video everyone should see

Seasons Change…


From James Delingpole:

Next time you’re in an argument with someone who is totally convinced that global warming is a) man made and b) unprecedented, why not show them this brief video from Watts Up With That? Game over! (Hat tip: Plato Says)


CNN Video: John Christy VS Gavin Schmidt On Climate Gate

Christy on the disappearance of the Polar Ice Cap:

“No one can prove that greenhouse gases, the extra greenhouse gases we are putting into the atmosphere, is causing all of it or part of it…”


COP 15: Climate santas on their throne of lies…

 Nature has turned on us, and Santa’s Village is melting away…

According to fabricated science data and these phoney santas:

“Climate change is melting the North Pole and the reindeer are not happy. These Santas pay a visit to London City Airport to encourage passengers to consider using less climate-damaging forms of transport.” 

The chant is “Sleighs not Planes…” 

RELATED COP 15 NONSENSE: Please Help the World (and Anti-Christ) Films: Cop 15 Opening Film


Please Help the World (and Anti-Christ) Films: COP 15 Opening Film

  “Fear makes men believe the worst.” 

Quintus Curtius Rufus (fl. 100 AD, Roman Historian)

What’s known about COP 15… It’s all about fear.

Earlier this week we learned that the Government of Denmark banned Christmas trees from the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 (COP15), deeming the conference officially “UN Territory”. Perhaps, now, we know why… Below is the video  “Please Help the World”, the film from the opening ceremony in Copenhagen from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Shown on December 7, 2009 at COP15.

CREDITS: Director: Mikkel Blaabjerg Poulsen, producers: Stefan Fjeldmark and Marie Peuliche, cinematographer: Dan Laustsen, production designer: Peter de Neergaard, editor: Morten Giese, composer: Davide Rossi, sound design: Carl Plesner, production company: Zentropa RamBuk, advisory consultants: Mogens Holbøll, Bysted A/S and Christian Søndergaard, Attention Film ApS.

What’s not so well known… 

Zentropa RamBuk, the company that produced the COP 15 opening film for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark above, is the same production company that produced the 2009 film “ANTICHRIST” starring William Defoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg. A short synopsis of the feature film from the Zentropa website reveals the movie to be an intense tale of evil, power and love, (or, better put, filth). In the film the claim is made that the ground “Eden” is burning the soles of human feet… Yet, as we all know, you just can’t believe everything you see and hear, now can you?

 WARNING: Trailer not suitable for children, (or Christmas Trees)…


Here’s the links:

Zentropa Rambuk — ANTICHRIST Movie Trailer