V.O.T.F Promoted Anti-Catholic Bill In Connecticut


 Editor’s Note: Follow-up Post Here    

To the Apostles and disciples gathered with him that night in the Upper Room, Jesus said, “one of you will betray me…” Shocked at the statement, the disciples began to ask among themselves who it might be…” Now, of course, in manifold ways this very same mystery of betrayal has continued on within the life of the Church privately and publicly down throughout the centuries… And so it is today in Connecticut.

      The web page of The Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut reads:

Catholics across the State of Connecticut mobilize
to fight the irrational, unlawful, and bigoted
Proposed Bill #1098/2009

      A text of the bill is found here. But simply described:

 The State of Connecticut will attempt to force a radical reorganization of the legal, financial, and administrative structure of Catholic parishes.

      As the diocesan website proclaims, this is:

 contrary to the Apostolic nature of the Catholic Church because it disconnects parishes from their Pastors and their Bishop.’

      Well, at least contrary in view of the vast majority of Catholics in America who faithfully adhere to the Apostolic nature and authority of the Catholic Church. But not so for dissident Catholic groups such as Voice of the Faithful (V.O.T.F). This group and others like it eagerly await and actively promote the day when “all Parishes would be run by boards from which Pastors and Bishops would be effectively excluded.”

“What you are going to do, do quickly”

      Faithful Connecticut Catholics should not be mystified by the State introducing this egregious bill, nor should they believe this is yet just one more example of the secularist state intruding upon the rights of the Catholic Church to govern herself and entities. The contents of the bill #1089 have been bantered around by various members of V.O.T.F for some time. Compare the text and gist of the bill with these words from the April 2007 V.O.T.F. article , THE MONEY TRAIL: Financial Management And Mismanagement In The Diocese Of Bridgeport, by Joseph F. O’Callaghan : 

“[…] The same principles should be applied to diocesan property. The diocesan corporation should include elected representatives from each of the eighty-seven parishes, who in turn would elect two directors from each of the five vicariates.

The bishop, one of the three vicars general, and the chancellor should be ex officio members, but elected representatives of the laity should comprise the majority of the diocesan corporation, its directors, and its officers.

Implementation of this proposal will necessitate changes in both canon and civil law.

And finally, this revealing tidbit from the same V.O.T.F. article,

“Attorney Tom Gallagher has already initiated discussion with state legislators about changing the law regulating parish and diocesan corporations. Members of VOTF should lend their support to this effort.”

      To be clear on the above: The works of V.O.T.F whether great or small, public or private within this situation can no longer be misconstrued as simply taking advantage of the child sex abuse crisis within the Church in order to push some ageing liberal agenda—an view long-held by many who’ve watched both support and finances of the group continually shrink in recent years. No, make no mistake here dear Catholic, this act against the Church is no mere argument among disciples about who is, or isn’t, the greatest within the kingdom as we journey together along the way; No faith upsetting continuation here of that tired old “spirit of Vatican II” argument offered up by the rebellious in the face of authentic authority. 

      What it is, is a serious attack upon the Church:

The specious use of government in the clear attempt to undermine the Apostolic nature and authority of the Catholic Church in America.

      This is the second salvo following the first last month, so to speak, by the newly formed cohort of dissident groups (Led by two V.O.T.F members) with the announcement of the coming American Catholic Council scheduled for the Fall of 2011, in Detroit, Michigan… And following their conquest of America in 2011, its on to Rome (at least in their minds) and Vatican Council III. 

      It remains to be seen in the days ahead just how actively involved Tom Gallagher, V.O.T.F. and other unidentified dissident groups were in promulgating and finally bringing about this public attempt to arrest and destroy Christ The King and His Bride, the Church (in the world) in Connecticut. I’ll leave that to the more qualified and intelligent, as well as, proper episcopal authorities to judge–and hopefully act upon. But one thing is for sure, there’s original precedence at work here–and we all know how that turns out in regards to Jesus Christ, the future of His Church, her mission in the world, and even, of Judas Iscariot… Hopefully, with strong episcopal leadership, the always stabilizing affects of truly faithful Catholics, this false vineyard being planted within the Church of God will fail to bloom, as in the past, and the American Catholic Council will find itself equally bankrupt of support in the future as its own website is today.

      In closing, whether it be recognized by men or not, our country along with many other nations of the world together find themselves in desperate straits today and in sure need of the Catholic Church and her mission of spreading the Gospel. For men have forgotten (or chosen to ignore) that God truly exists and are suffering serious decline at their own hands because of grevious sin, and thus, lack of divine blessings. Both the rich and the poor are imperiled alike within the very same Godless situation, which, as the history of such evil proves, has great potential of turning inhuman and animal-like for long long periods of time. And so, the times of dissent within the Church must come to their close, and the good works of the Church spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ must replace them for the sake of the world and souls. A world God so loves that He sent his only-begotten son to save it from destruction and death–a Son He still sends. 

      Ours is the same (and only) mission as His as we too pass through this world. Chronic addiction to Church dissent defies that mission, harms souls who’ve allowed themselves to follow such errors, is not of the Holy Spirit of God, and ultimately works to continually cripple this new evangelization we are all responsible for carrying out–for we ourselves have received much–very much: the saving power of the breathe of God, the Spirit Who has led us into the heart of Christ Jesus–so full of truth, grace, pardon, healing and salvation. This is what America and the nations need most of all, and nothing more—a return to God... 

      So in the truth of a world on the precipice of its own self-destruction, and from the heart of the only Savior that world needs to find, I repeat the words of another convert, +Michael Davies within his work [The Reign of Christ The King–In Both Public and Private Life–], here in his own quote from the book The Devastated Vineyard by Dietrich von Hildebrand, he writes:

“”Professor von Hildebrand warned that the Church can only help mankind to draw back from the precipice upon which it is poised “if the vineyard of the Lord blossoms anew. And therefore we must storm Heaven with the prayer that the spirit of St. Pius X might once again fill the hierarchy, that the great words anathema sit might once again ring out against all heretics, and especially against all the members of the ‘fifth column’ within the Church…”

Davies goes on to say, “We can do no better than begin by praying that they will ring out in Connecticut.””

      I concur. Let the vineyard of the Lord blossom anew.

Editors H/T: This story first broke on Father Z’s WDTPRS by another most faithful priest of God and educator, Fr. Greg J. Markey, He is pastor of St. Mary’s Church in Norwalk, CT. I ask my readers to join with me in offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass this coming Sunday for both, and for all priests in these difficult times.

james mary evans  

2 thoughts on “V.O.T.F Promoted Anti-Catholic Bill In Connecticut”

  1. Hi-C

    Just was looking at this same story from CL below when I received your comment. Note: the genesis of this, (as I mentioned on CMC this morning) VOTF…

    With you in Him,

    Here’s the CL response w/contact:


    Catholic League president Bill Donohue addresses the state of free speech for Catholics in Connecticut:

    Three months ago, two lawmakers from Connecticut sought a state takeover of the governing structure of the Catholic Church. This gambit, which we properly labeled a “fascist stunt,” lost. The reason it lost is because of the courageous reaction of Catholics, led by their bishops, and organizations like the Catholic League. Among the steps taken to thwart this unconstitutional abridgement of religious liberty was a rally at the state Capitol.

    In retaliation, some state officials are now seeking to penalize the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport, led by Bishop William E. Lori. They have accused the Bridgeport Diocese of breaking the state’s lobbying laws. On May 29, Bishop Lori filed suit seeking an injunction to stop the punitive measures from being implemented.

    What is at stake is practically every liberty enshrined in the First Amendment: freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, religious liberty and the provision guaranteeing separation of church and state. First the tyrants sought to take control of the Catholic Church, and now their lackeys are trying to muzzle the free speech of Catholics. Had this been reversed—had the bishops sought to take command of the legislative functions of the state of Connecticut and then proceeded to get a gag order placed on lawmakers—everyone who is now silent would be apoplectic.

    Just last month, there was a rally in Hartford demanding universal health care. According to Courant.com, approximately 140 “clergy and religious folks marched to the state Capitol to ask to talk. They wore clerical collars, suit coats and hijabs, and chanted and carried signs that said, ‘Muslims for Health Care,’ and ‘Health Care for All.’” This rally occasioned no threats by state officials of any kind.

    Contact Carol Carson, the person who is behind this anti-Catholic effort and is being sued by the Diocese of Bridgeport: Carol.carson@ct.gov

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