Tag Archives: Prayer For Abortion Providers

Satanic Prayer Vigils: ‘That they might abort children in peace…’

 [“We firmly believe and confess…] the devil and the other demons were created naturally good by God, but it is they who by their own action made themselves evil. As for man, he sinned at the instigation of the devil.”

The Fourth Lateran Council (1215)


This coming weekend, October 16-18, 2009, the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) will be sponsoring a public policy action entitled, “Weekend of Prayerful Affirmation and Action for the Safety of Clinic Workers.” [SITE]

RCRC is seeking to urge congregations and faith communities to carry on, in their words, “the work of everyday heroes” (Abortionists) by sounding their voices on healthcare reform. The push, of course, is for tax payer funded abortions. They claim that abortion care should not be treated any differently than any other health care service. And further state, that they “want a system that respects women’s rights and meets the standards of justice and morality that our religions represent.” salsolu1Among the vigil prayers or affirmations recommended to religious groups supporting this doctrine of demons (Abortion) is this one from United Church of Christ member Matthew Westfox, a purported Reverend:

“Gracious and loving God, be with all of those brave souls who make abortion possible. Hold them in your loving embrace and keep them safe— doctors, nurses, clinic staff, administrators, janitors and counselors and receptionists—all those who labor to provide abortions to those in need. Bless them and keep them safe from harm and harassment, intimidation and fear. Hear us, O God, as we lift up our voices to you, and say in all your many names- Amen.”

Praying in the ‘Spirit of Tiller’

Below is a picture of Mr. Westfox leading off a Planned Parenthood sponsored vigil with a “benediction” for Dr. George Tiller, held in Union Square, NYC on June 1st, 2009. The infamous late-term abortionists George Tiller was murdered this past summer by a deranged Christian unaffiliated with any official position within U.S. Pro Life Organizations. Westfoxs’  benediction is entitled, “Let the Spirit of Dr. Tiller Live On” and decries at one point that clinic workers must be allowed to work in peace. Yes, Virginia, Bob is right, people are crazy and times are strange… 

3589027463_d2058fa3c7 “With the murder of Dr. Tiller our movement, our world, lost a great man. We mourn his loss, but we remember that his spirit lives on. That any time a doctor or a nurse or a clinic practitioner goes to work to provide abortions care to those in need, the spirit of Dr. Tiller lives on. That any time an elected official submits a bill or casts a vote in favor of justice, in favor of clinic defense, in favor of access, that the spirit of Dr. Tiller lives on. That every time we come to a vigil and say “No more violence, no more killings; clinic workers must work in peace,” the spirit of Dr. Tiller lives on. That every time we give of our hearts, through gifts of time, or money, or energy or volunteerism, we make it possible for women to have access to needed services, and the spirit of Dr. Tiller lives on. By doing all we can to make abortions accessible and safe, the spirit of Dr. Tiller lives on…

Gracious and loving God, let your strength flow through all of us. Let all of us honor the memory of this great man, and keep his spirit with us as we work for justice, work for access, and work together to make sure that no doctor, no administrator, no clinic worker is ever murdered again.”

Westfox and the RCRC are encouraging use of this and other such prayers on behalf of U.S. abortion workers within worship services and liturgies this week, but, there is more. They suggest also inviting staff members from local abortionaries so as that they might receive a blessing and/or say a few words to the faith community about the works they carry out… Oh, and in case your congregation is not familiar with your local abortion clinic personnel, RCRC will gladly help communities make contact with clinics in their respective areas.  

Other vigil suggestions include giving a sermon about the work of clinic staff and the danger to staff and patients by ongoing violence and harassment from extremist groups at clinics;  gathering signatures on a petition to support universal access to reproductive health services; and finally, faith groups may even participate by going as far as to write and send off thank you notes or prayer cards to the staff of local clinics…

From an authentic Christian perspective, the setting aside of 3 days for prayers and affirmation for the success of abortion providers in America, or anywhere for that matter, is nothing other than promoting and organizing satanic prayer vigils. And clearly, nothing less than encouraging spiritual souls to pray for the destruction of unborn children… All, instigated by the devil, with the free will acceptance of men. Tragic and sad—

I will be offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass this week so that all these works of darkness will come to nothing in the end…

I hope you’ll join me.

The following is video of Mr. Westfox at the Planned Parenthood rally honoring George Tiller as a “Hero” following his death: