Tag Archives: Catholics for McCain

Voting According To The Will Of God: No Catholic in good conscience can vote for Barack Hussein Obama (Video)

The preeminent issue: “our country is guilty of genocide…” Fr. Corapi: Eleventh Hour Election Alert

Catholics, take heed… Fr. John Corapi: Eleventh Hour Election Alert (Part I) (Part II) (Part III).

“God is not a disinterested participant in the affairs of man” Fr. Corapi: Eleventh Hour Election Alert

Take heed, Catholics… Fr. Corapi: Eleventh Hour Election Alert (Part II) (Part I) (Part III)

“We will be begging in the streets…” Fr. Corapi: Eleventh Hour Election Alert

Catholics, take heed… Father Corapi: Eleventh Hour Election Alert (Part III). (Part II) (Part I). 

Satan Takes A Stroll at Midnight in Gainsville: Voter Intimidation

The HillBuzz reports on voter intimidation (warning: Foul language) down in Gainesville, Florida today. Knowing that the enemies of Christians are not of flesh and blood…, let us pick up our rosaries these next 9 days and give the spirit of this world, the Devil, a true Catholic thumping.. (pics).

McCain embodies ‘pro-life’ by Julie Peterson

Warning: Graphic pic of abortion truth below.

No war, natural disaster or illness has claimed a greater price than the Supreme Court decision in 1973 legalizing abortion.

Today, 48.5 million babies later, we ask why are birthrates declining and how can the next generation support retiring baby boomers.

Soon a new president will help determine the future of America. Will we return to our foundational principles, that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” or will the culture of death continue?

That life from conception to natural death should be protected by law is founded on the profoundly American principle based on faith and reason. When a society asks its citizens to violate its own foundational principles — and their moral consciences — citizens have a right and obligation to refuse.

This November we have a clear opportunity to right what our society has asked us to violate.

Arguing for “other” rights when a whole class of human beings is denied life is incoherent. The argument goes: “As wrong as abortion is, it’s not the only relevant ‘life’ issue to be considered when choosing a candidate.”

This reasoning is sound only if other issues carry the same moral weight as abortion, such as in the case of euthanasia or racism.

Health care, economic security and taxes are important concerns. Neglect of any one has dire consequences as recent financial crisis demonstrates. However, solutions to these do not usually involve rejection of the sanctity of life.

The Catholic vote is extremely important, making up a quarter of the electorate nationwide and about a third in contested states, like Wisconsin. Each October, we Catholics observe Respect Life month as a reminder of our responsibility to work tirelessly for building a culture of life. The theme of this year’s observance – “Hope and Trust in Life” – is from the words of Pope Benedict XVI calling us to “proclaim the gift of life, to serve life and to promote a culture of life, with the sure confidence that in doing so we give hope to the world.”

When history has been written about this era, which side will you have been on? When this hidden holocaust is finally over and America once again values the life of the unborn; when declining birthrates no longer threaten the well-being of our communities or the sustenance of our work force, will you be able to say you stood in the gap for the unborn and voted with a properly formed conscience?

This summer, a Fond du Lac Diversity Initiative recognized a legitimate concern about a declining work force, which can be attributed to declining birthrates caused by, among other things, the deaths of more than 48 million unborn babies since Roe vs. Wade.

Now even infants are threatened. What kind of a person would vote to kill a born-alive baby who survives an abortion? Obama did … twice. Who is this Barack Obama anyway? Be on the right side of history. Vote for life. Vote for John McCain for president

Julie Petersen is the Fond du Lac County Catholics For McCain coordinator.

Pelosi: Abstinence is dangerous to health of youth; Biden: Our values, no more of these “old wedge issues…”

As we head toward November, Catholics might profit from recalling a few simple facts. First, surrounding a bad social policy or party platform plank-for example, permissive abortion-with religious people doesn’t redeem the bad policy or plank. It merely compromises the religious people who try to excuse it.

Archbishop Chaput, Denver, Colorado

       As Catholic Joe Biden prepares to address the American people from the Democratic National Convention tonight, and with the latest news cycle revealing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s ongoing defiance to Catholic moral teaching against abortion, I find it appropriate to offer a slice of another speech directed toward the culture of death that I suspect neither Biden nor Pelosi consider themselves members of. Yet, their actions or non-action as Catholic public figures on behalf of the endangered unborn speak for themselves… In 1987 at Cherry Creek Park, Denver, Colorado, Pope John Paul II spoke the following words to American Catholic youths within his homily:

“There are those who reject the light of life, preferring “the fruitless works of darkness” (Eph 5:11). Their harvest is injustice, discrimination, exploitation, deceit, violence. In every age, a measure of their apparent success is the death of the Innocents…” (Full Text of Homily)

       I’m sure it’s the hope of American bishops that these two children of the Church might repent from their works of darkness, preferring the lies and works of the world over their innermost truth, as it is mine. But, until that time, I believe it’s the duty of all faithful members of the Church to not only reject the personal public aspirations of these two dissenting Catholics, but also to actively work for their defeat as well as the party of death they have chosen over their faith–the Democratic Party. Preventing the death of the innocent unborn through our votes will negate the obvious compromise these two religious people have made with the world in opposition to the gift of life… There is no excuse. 

Flashback Biden: My Time, Your Time, Our Time…

   The proof is in the pudding. What do you think those old “wedge issues” are? Abortion and marriage?

Flashback Pelosi: If the twisted reasoning that allows a Catholic to believe abortion can co-exist with the Gospel of Life weren’t enough, it’s no surprise that the same reasoning can come to the conclusion that abstinence is somehow a danger to youth…

This report comes from Nancy Pelosi’s appearance at a Netroots Conference with Al Gore:

“In response to a question from blogger Natasha, Pelosi says unequivocally that abstinence programs are dangerous to young people’s health. So why does the Democrat-controlled Congress keep going along with the abstinence sham instead of supporting contraception and condom distribution and honest sex education? Pelosi says more pro-choice members of Congress are needed…”


In the words of John Paul II to the youth and all Catholics at Cherry Creek, Denver, in 1993:

“So much depends on you…” 

On us.

Vote Life this November…

Catholics for McCain Censored at Catholic Voters Conference in Portland: A Report by Carolyn Wendell

Dear Life Advocates,  

       The Catholic Voters Conference on Tuesday night at Saint Clare Church was a new experience for me. I was at a speaker’s table sitting between two young people, a gal for Obama and a guy for Merkeley.  The panelist for Gordon Smith didn’t show.  Asking the questions was host, Bill Gallagher, news manager from KPAM radio and a Saint Clare parishioner.  About fifty? people showed up.  There were some friendly faces that gave me strength, as did your prayers.  Thank you.   

       The first speaker for this conference in July was Fr. Claude Pomerleau who is a liberation theology proponent.  This “theology” is condemned by the Church.  Here is a great article by then Cardinal Ratzinger. [Liberation Theology] The questions for the panel were written by the people who attended Fr. Pomerleau’s talk.   

       Saint Clare Justice and Peace committee sponsoring the conference is part of the Saul Alinsky/Faith in Public Life – based Metropolitan Alliance for the Common Good (MACG).   So, the questions were lopsided: more on “war” than “questions on “life” probably 10/1.   In fact the categories were really called: Iraq, Social, International.    

(Forgot what “Faith in Public Life” is?  Get a FREE CD from last years’ JUSTICE IN PIECES workshop with Stephanie Block that explains the great persecution and drain of money from Catholics in the pews due to the control that Faith in Public Life/EMO groups have in our Catholic Church…contact me.)  

       The TRUTH has a RING to it, that’s why there is censorship in the Church. During the Question and Answer period…pro-life warrior, Dr. Russell Sacco, noted for a picture of him holding precious ten-week old unborn feet between his fingers, got many people there riled up.  Flashing symbolic “stop it right now” blue cards (in case speakers were rude or off topic)  the doctor’s explanation of abortion procedures created this panic. He did get a few gruesome truthful descriptions in…a quick pro-life education where none would have been.  Thank you Dr. Sacco.  

       My comments were “censored” three times by having my microphone shut off and flying blue cards again.  It seemed that stating facts of Obama’s record on abortion and the firmness on Church teachings were seen as “rude” .  I later asked the conference leader if this response was just “consciences being pricked” and not rudeness.  But, he said he was going to have to give me a bad report to the McCain Campaign anyhow. As long as my “report” to Christ the Lord is in union with His Will I am at peace.  As I said that night and I’m sure John McCain would agree, I’d rather have the Truth out there and save Souls (hopefully) than get votes for McCain by being silent.   

       To continue with the meeting….the “faith formation” teacher from Jesuit High School used as an expert on the “seamless garment”, said that Cardinal Bernardin’s theory was “Magisterial teaching” when asked this by a practicing Catholic in the audience.  His answer showed his lack of knowledge on this issue.  (This is NOT Magisterial teaching.)  The Earth Charter is taught at Saint Mary Academy and Bernardin’s theory as Magisterial teaching taught at Jesuit: these teachers need our prayers.  Bill Mizia, Catholic School Superintendent.  (see www.vocalnews.org for contact info)   

       The meeting was cut short by fifteen minutes even though many people had their hands up.  This seemed to be another aim at censorship.    

       After the talk, a man with his teen daughter confronted me on the aborted innocent child versus the innocent Iraqi child killed in combat.  He understood the difference by the answer:  MOTIVE : Abortion is ALWAYS the INTENTIONAL KILLING of innocent human life, whereas, the US Military does NOT intentionally kill Iraqi children.  Warnings are given so the innocent are able to flee, if at all possible.  Protecting the innocent civilians is US Military policy anything else is punished.  Whereas, the terrorists use children as suicide bombers.   He understood and our conversation ended happily.  Things can get confusing.   

       Next month there is the third talk of the series of four.  This one is on Immigration and the Economy, with a gal from Catholic Relief Services.  It would be healthy to have some questions for her and see where she stands.      

       In my opinion, the people in authority at this conference have rarely, if ever, been challenged.  They are making a living with Catholic money so they should live the Catholic life.  I am still “debating” the leader of the conference via email.  One statement he made to a group of us afterwards was that if something wasn’t “Ex Cathedra” from the Chair of Peter, then belief in it was up for grabs; he brought up Humane Vitae, out of the blue. When challenged, he said “You make a good point about ExCathedra statements.  It’s a very poor debating tool and you’re right, all things that are “truth” are not ExCathedra.  Nor are all things truth in Holy Scripture, or recorded by a Bishop, a Cardinal or a Pope.”  hmmm  

       He went on in his note to me… “I hope you will either quit this charade of Catholics for McCain or actually get behind, commit to, and learn about the real policies of Senator McCain. ” (what about abortion/marriage policies of Obama, what policy of McCain’s is of more severe proportion? VOCAL)  

       He continues….”Or, conversely (and I do mean conversely), become an agent of change in our church and culture to turn away from recreational sexuality and save lives through sexuality that doesn’t transmit lethal disease or generate unwanted pregnancy and which never places a woman in the position of having to even choose.”    What kind of sexuality? I’m almost afraid to ask.    

       I don’t think that Catholics for McCain is a CHARADE.. I don’t think that being an advocate for unborn life is a charade.  I don’t believe that the Church teachings are a charade.   I do believe John McCain when he says that he’ll be a pro-life President. (google Saddleback church/McCain)  His actions in the past have shown him to be an honorable man.  He supports unborn life and traditional marriage something that Obama is against.  

       Even if you think it’s a charade…help me. The plan is to have someone for each county.  This is a way to get to know people of like mind.  It’s just until Nov.  I’ll have things to send you that the Archdiocese allows to have in churches, issue pieces, and church teachings to help us all have informed consciences and defend our beliefs with TRUTH.   WE can have FREE CONFERENCE CALLS and get togethers.  The McCain campaign will pay for some nice meetings for us.  That would be a treat.  Usually it’s all volunteer. We don’t have any budget for pro-life ministries in Oregon.  Justice and Peace has at least $80,000 to help support Saul Alinsky groups through advertising and Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon “ministries”…like Climate “Justice”.

       Knowing how hard these election cycles can be, thank you to those priests/Bishops who support the Church and Her Teachings and need our prayers in this battle.  By standing firm on the foundational issues of Life and Family, the Ship will stay on course, even though the rudder might be hard to control.   We need to pray for all priests and Bishops that they may be standards for Christ.  He Will Come Again.  

       This election may not have the perfect candidate for us..however, in the case of the fundamental issue of life and saving marriage between one-man and one-woman, we need someone who will pick Supreme Court justices that don’t legislate from the bench.  These are fundamental issues that take top priority.  They keep us grounded, on the narrow path.
       Sad to say, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the people of Oregon regarding Measure 303 Domestic Partnerships.  Now it must go before the Supreme Court.  We know first hand about this movement of liberal judges to have our society made in their image.      

Thanks again for your prayers.  Let’s play charades for Life.  

God Bless you and yours, Carolyn